In this tutorial, the following topics are covered: introduction to mobile wireless networks, routing in ad-hoc networks, security in ad-hoc networks, Bluetooth technology, and the University of Belgrade project of mobile sensor ad-hoc network, designed during the IEEE Computer Society International Design Competition. In the introduction, some basic facts about ad-hoc networks are given, along with the differences between classic mobile and ad-hoc networks. Then, three ad-hoc routing protocols are described (DSR, AODV and TORA), following with the discussion about security issues in ad-hoc network: availability, confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation. Some basic facts about the Bluetooth wireless environment are given after that, and finally the project of a wireless sensor network is fully described along with the originally designed routing protocol and hardware/software network platform.


Tutorial is divided into 5 parts:

  1. Mobile networks (17 slides)
  2. Routing in ad-hoc networks (34 slides)
  3. Security in ad-hoc networks (18 slides)
  4. Bluetooth (11 slides)
  5. University of Belgrade wireless sensor network project (50 slides)
  6. Towards a wireless Internet (in progress, approx. 10 slides)

Total: 130 +10 slides