Furht, B., Milutinovic, V., A Survey of Microprocessor Architectures for Memory Management, IEEE Computer, Vol. 20, No. 3, March 1987, pp.48-67. (Translated into Slovenian and republished by the journal of the School of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1987.) (impact factor 2.205/2010). A. Grujic, M. Tomasevic, V. Milutinovic, A Simulation Study of Hardware DSM Approaches, IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology, Spring 1996. (impact factor 1.727/1998). Milan Jovanovic, Veljko Milutinovic, An Overview of Reflective Memory Systems, IEEE Concurrency Spring 99 Milutinovic, V., Ngom, A., Stojmenovic, I., STRIP --- A Strip Based Neural Network Growth Algorithm for Learning Multiple-Valued Functions, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS, March 2001, Vol.12, No.2, pp. 212-227 (impact factor 2.889/2010). Milutinovic, V., Fura, D., Helbig, W., An Introduction to GaAs Computer Architecture for VLSI, IEEE Computer, March 1986, pp. 30-42. Reprinted in the IEEE Press Tutorial on Advanced Microprocessors-II, 1986 (Editor: Gupta, MIT). (impact factor 2.205/2010). V. Milutinovic, Surviving the Design of a 200MHz RISC Microprocessor: Lessons Learned, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, California, 1996.