This course is divided into 10 parts:

The first part is for those students 
who like to continue professional work in EU or WB
(the stress is on how to apply for EU FP projects).
This is a good option after your 20th birthday,
i.e., after you complete your undergraduate work.

The second part is for those students who like to do their PhD 
in the USA or Canada
(the stress is on how to maximize the score on GRE or GMAT).
This is a good option after your 20th birthday,
i.e., after you complete your undergraduate work.

The third part is for those studnets who plan to do MBA,
so they can become managers in companies of others or their own
(the stress is on MBA in the nutshell).
This is a good option after the 40th birthday,
unless you like the young professionals to run over you.

The forth part is for those studnets who plan to do PhD,
so they can teach at public or private universities
(the stress is on publishing in SCI journals).
This is a good option after the 60th birthday,
unless you start with academia right away.

The fifth part is for those students
who have to make business plans for investors
(the main question is
how to present the basic idea in a clear way).
This is a good option after the 80th birthday.

The sixth part is for those students
who have to make investment-related decisions
(the main question is how to know
which one of the options is the best one for investing into it).
This is a good option after the 80th birthday.

The seventh part is for all students,
no matter which way they like to continue
(the stress is on learning how to become effective:
to organize time).
This part is based on the famous book by Drucker.

The eight part is for all students,
no matter which way they like to continue
(the stress is on learning how to become efficient:
to sell ideas, products, services, etc.).
This part is based on the famous book by Lloyd.

The nineth part is for all students,
no matter which way they like to continue
(the stress is on inventivity).
This part is based on a VIPSI conference talk,
by Nobel Laureate Jerome Friedman of MIT.

The tenth part is for all students,
no matter which way they like to continue
(the stress is on creativity).
This part is based on a VIPSI conference talk,
by Nobel Laureate Martin Perl of Stanford.

Slides for all parts defined above are given below:

  • FP7 (2 weeks)
  • GRE (2 weeks)
  • MBA in the Nutshell (1 week)
  • PhD in the Nutshell (1 week) Phases of SCI Paper Processing The Shanghai Top 500 The UCLA Top 500 How to write papers for SCI journals How to Generate Ideas for PhD Research
  • Harvard Business Plan Template (1 week)
  • Business Intelligence and Harvard Decision Making Methodology (5 weeks)
  • Drucker (2 weeks)
  • LLOYD (2 weeks)
  • Nobel Laureates About Inventivity: Friedman, Arrow, Glashow, Maskin (1 week)
  • Nobel Laureate Perl About Creativity (1 week)