How to Write References

[1: Journal] LastName1, NameFirstLetter1., LastName2, NameFirstLetter2., "Paper Title," Publisher (Bold), Title of the Journal, Vol. xy, No. z, Year, pp. 15-64. [2: Conference] -, "Paper Title," Publisher (Bold), Name of the Conference, Year, pp. 15-64. [3: Book] LastName1, NameFirstLetter1., LastName2, NameFirstLetter2., "Book Title," Publisher (Bold), City, State, Country, Year, pp. 15-64. [4: Web Paper] LastName1, NameFirstLetter1., LastName2, NameFirstLetter2., "Web paper Title," http://www.(URL), Day/Month/Year, pp. 15-64. [5: Ph.D. Thesis] LastName1, NameFirstLetter1., "Ph.D. Thesis Title," Publisher (Bold), City, State, Country, Year, pp. 15-64. [6: Technical report] LastName1, NameFirstLetter1., LastName2, NameFirstLetter2., "Technical Report Title," Publisher (Bold), City, State, Country, Year, pp. 15-64. [7: Private Communication] LastName1, NameFirstLetter1., LastName2, NameFirstLetter2., "Private Communication Title," Publisher (Bold), City, State, Country, Year, pp. 15-64. Instead of "Publisher (Bold)": if Journal: IEEE Society, IEEE Transactions on Computers Vol. 41, No. 8 if Conference: Proceedings of the IPSI-2006 Montenegro if Book: Addison-Wesley if Web Paper: (URL) if Technical Report: Technical Report, IPSI Belgrade if Ph.D. Thesis: Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, if Private Communication: Private communication (cited something from a conversation) Instead of "City, State, Country": if Journal: if Conference: Kolasin, Montenegro if Book: New York, New York, USA if Web Paper: if Technical Report: New York, New York, USA if Ph.D. Thesis: Belgrade, Serbia if Private Conversation: Savardak, Kolasin, Montenegro Instead of "Year": if Journal: 2007 if Conference: December 2006 if Book: 2006 if Web paper: 2/12/2006 (date when the info was taken from a web page) if Technical Report: New York, New York, USA if Ph.D. Thesis: May 2004 if Private Communication: 2/4/2005